Home » Rhaetian Railway certifies added value of 860 million

Rhaetian Railway certifies added value of 860 million

Rhaetian Railway certifies added value of 860 million

According to a study, the Rhaetian Railway generates added value throughout Switzerland and not just in its home canton of Graubünden. (archive picture)


According to its own figures, the Rhaetian Railway generates added value of CHF 860 million throughout Switzerland, CHF 446 million of which is generated in Graubünden. On Wednesday, the railroad presented a value creation study it had commissioned with these figures.

The study was carried out by the consulting firm EBP, as the Rhaetian Railway (RhB) announced on Wednesday. The calculated added value in the canton of Graubünden is made up of direct added value of CHF 247 million, which results directly from RhB’s activities, and indirect added value of CHF 199 million.

This arises from cooperation with suppliers and service providers. The study does not take into account the downstream expenditure incurred by RhB travelers for overnight stays, catering and shopping in the tourist destinations.