Home » Father of ex-Miss Switzerland finalist ‘pureed’ by husband found her head in bin bag

Father of ex-Miss Switzerland finalist ‘pureed’ by husband found her head in bin bag

Father of ex-Miss Switzerland finalist ‘pureed’ by husband found her head in bin bag

The murder of a former Miss Switzerland finalist has shaken the world. Kristina Joksimovic was strangled, dismembered and then “pureed” in a blender allegedly by her husband at their Basel home. 

Kristina’s father has now spoken up and revealed that he found his daughter’s decapitated head in a bin bag in her laundry room. This, he says, happened while his two grandchildren were playing in the next room. 

Her remains were found on February 13, according to earlier reports, by a third party. MailOnline reported that her parents grew worried after not hearing from her for days. So, her father came to the house and started searching for clues.  

A family friend told MailOnline that this is when he noticed Kristina’s golden hair in a bin bag and learnt that she had been murdered. 

Her parents first started questioning her husband about Kristina’s absence after their grandchildren’s local nursery contacted them saying their mother hadn’t picked up the kids. Her husband was ignoring the matter and didn’t give them a proper response. 

Her father then travelled to their family home, but Thomas, as the husband has been identified by the local media, told them he didn’t know where she was. He said that she would “just leave sometimes”.

The family friend further told MailOnline that he continued to chat with them as if everything was fine. He made dinner and even tucked the children in their beds. 

Stranger called the police

After Kristina’s father made the gruesome discovery, he ran from the garage “screaming”. He came across a passer-by and asked him to contact the police. The next day, Thomas was arrested. 

According to local media reports, an autopsy revealed that she was strangled to death, chopped up into pieces using a jigsaw, knife, and garden shears, and then “pureed” in an industrial-strength blender. 

Thomas claims that he killed his wife in an act of self-defence as she attacked him with a knife. However, as per Swiss outlet FM1 Today, a medical-forensic report “contradicts his description of self-defence”. The court also doubted the claim, saying that the “planned and systematic approach over several hours” and his use of “special tools and chemicals” to destroy evidence of the crime prove otherwise. 

The “deliberate mutilation or ritualised degradation of the body” shows that Thomas is mentally unwell, the court said. 

He was also reportedly watching YouTube videos while cutting up Kristina’s body, phone data shows.

Anamica Singh

Anamica Singh started her career as a sports journalist and then moved on to writing on entertainment, news and lifestyle. She dabbles in copy editing, vid
