Home » Swiss Convenience Retail-Day 2024: Celebrating convenience excellence

Swiss Convenience Retail-Day 2024: Celebrating convenience excellence

Swiss Convenience Retail-Day 2024: Celebrating convenience excellence

A study by Fuhrer & Hotz shows a mature convenience store market with a very strong fresh food offer, high footfall, and advanced technology.

The Swiss Convenience Retail-Day 2024 gathered 150 industry leaders, innovators, and experts in Zurich to explore the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities within the convenience retail sector. The event featured a series of presentations and panel discussions, highlighting the evolving landscape of convenience retail in Switzerland and globally.

“It was a great event. The conference program received very good feedback. It’s important to have a mixture of local and international players represented in the line-up,” says Martin Hotz, Managing Director at Fuhrer & Hotz, organizers of the event.

Switzerland has become synonymous with strong food offering and technology. Its c-store market is highly developed with companies such as migrolino and Coop showcasing industry-leading concepts.

The day kicked off with a presentation on the current market data and significant changes in Swiss convenience retail, based on the exclusive study “Convenience Schweiz 2024” by Fuhrer & Hotz. The study revealed key trends shaping the industry, including the growing demand for more efficient, seamless shopping experiences.

Christian Warning from The Retail Marketeers/NACS D-A-CH, who organized a study tour of the Swiss market the day before the event, delivered a compelling overview of global convenience trends, introducing attendees to innovative concepts, formats, and flagship initiatives from around the world.

A key highlight of the event was the VTSS-Talk, which explored the growing impact of AI on retail. André Scherrer (SPAR Schweiz) and Lorence Weiss (migrolino) engaged in a panel discussion examining the potential of AI to revolutionize the industry.

Both panelists agreed AI will have a significant impact on retail, driving productivity improvements not only in stores but also across headquarters and logistics in collaboration with manufacturers. However, they cautioned that the implementation of AI may not happen as quickly as some experts predict. The speed and success of AI adoption will depend on the company’s DNA and business format, with autonomous stores being a clear example of heavy AI use. Past initiatives in Switzerland show that success is not guaranteed in this segment.

The event also featured presentations from global retail brands. Ilyas Munshi from EG Group shared the remarkable growth journey of their roadside retail network, highlighting the principles and strategies that have allowed them to expand from a single site to over 6,000 destinations worldwide. Irish retail leader Joe Barrett from Applegreen detailed how their award-winning foodservice concepts meet the needs of diverse customer bases, providing valuable lessons for Swiss retailers.

René Trapp of Valora Group discussed the transformation of their business from a traditional newspaper and magazine vendor to one of the most progressive convenience retailers in Europe. The presentation covered strategic initiatives, flagship projects, and the importance of collaboration with industry partners in positioning themselves for the future.

“Valora is probably the most dynamic and agile convenience player in Switzerland right now. The synergies with FEMSA around knowledge and data analysis seem huge,” adds Martin Hotz.

One of the most inspiring sessions was led by Marouf Ahmadi, the entrepreneur behind 7 DAY SHOP. He shared his journey from being a refugee to becoming a successful business owner, reshaping the traditional shopping experience with a focus on speed, simplicity, and freshness.

Karl Schnyder of intelligentfood Schweiz provided exclusive insights into how the brand “El Tony” successfully identified and capitalized on market gaps. His presentation showcased the brand’s journey from a niche player to a challenger in a seemingly saturated category, offering valuable lessons in brand development and market penetration.

Dr. Tobias Maria Günter from Simon-Kucher & Partners tackled the complexities of pricing in today’s volatile market. He emphasized the importance of data-driven decisions and automation in optimizing pricing strategies for profitable growth.

Swiss convenience showcases solidity

The “Convenience Schweiz 2024” report, which surveyed regular customers and industry experts from Switzerland, showed that 87% of customers were satisfied and very satisfied with their last visit to a convenience store.

“This shows that the situation is quite good. There are differences from category to category, but overall c-store acceptance and satisfaction is very good. A place not only for emergency shopping but for all-day shopping,” explains Hotz.

Coop Pronto, migrolino and k kiosk are the three biggest players with around 60% of the c-store market.

The study found that 53% of people shop once a month at a convenience store, and 23% make a trip once a week. The study also shows that Gen Z and millennials enjoy visiting c-stores the most in comparison to supermarkets.

“The perception that customers have between of prices in supermarkets and convenience stores has reduced compared to other years. This is very good news. Specially if you look at Gen Z customers, which are more price conscientious than baby boombers,” adds Hotz.

The Swiss Convenience Retail-Day 2024 provided a comprehensive look at the current and future state of convenience retail, offering attendees actionable insights.

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