Home » Switzerland Construction Market Size, Trend Analysis by Sector, Competitive Landscape and Forecast to 2027

Switzerland Construction Market Size, Trend Analysis by Sector, Competitive Landscape and Forecast to 2027

Switzerland Construction Market Size, Trend Analysis by Sector, Competitive Landscape and Forecast to 2027

Figure 1: Western Europe, Construction Output (Real % Change), 2021–27

Figure 2: Switzerland, Construction Output by Sector (Real % Change), 2021–23 and 2024–27

Figure 3: Switzerland, Risk Summary

Figure 4: Switzerland, Risk Regional Comparison

Figure 5: Switzerland, Construction Output Value (Real, $ Million, 2017 Prices and Exchange Rate), 2018–27

Figure 6: Switzerland, Construction Output Value, by Sector (Real, $ Million), 2018–27

Figure 7: Switzerland, Switzerland, Construction Value Add (CHF Million, 2015 Constant Prices)

Figure 8: Switzerland, Construction Projects Momentum Index

Figure 9: Western Europe, Construction Projects Momentum Index

Figure 10: Switzerland, Commercial Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2018–27

Figure 11: Switzerland, Commercial Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)

Figure 12: Switzerland, Tourist Arrivals and Overnight Stays (In Thousands)

Figure 13: Switzerland, Construction Retail Trade Turnover Index, Seasonally Adjusted (2015=100)

Figure 14: Switzerland, Industrial Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2018–27

Figure 15: Switzerland, Industrial Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)

Figure 16: Switzerland, Manufacturing Value Add EUR Million, 2015 Chained Prices)

Figure 17: Switzerland, Manufacturing, and Industrial production index (2015=100)

Figure 18: Switzerland, Infrastructure Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2018–27

Figure 19: Switzerland, Infrastructure Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)

Figure 20: Switzerland, Energy and Utilities Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2018–27

Figure 21: Switzerland, Energy and Utilities Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)

Figure 22: Switzerland, Institutional Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2018–27

Figure 23: Switzerland, Institutional Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)

Figure 24: Switzerland, Residential Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2018–27

Figure 25: Switzerland, Residential Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)

Figure 26: Switzerland, Real estate Value Add (EUR Million, 2015 Chained Prices)

Figure 27: Switzerland, Headquarters of Key Contractors (% of Total Project Pipeline)

Figure 28: Switzerland, Headquarters of Key Consultants (% of Total Project Pipeline)